Against Removal of Rumsfeld
Recently I and a few friends have been discussing the subject of the traitorous US generals who are demanding the firing of Don Rumsfeld. I am in disagreement with most so-called conservatives regarding both Rumsfeld and their characterization of the generals who opposes him as “warriors.”
Most conservatives believe, without any substantiating evidence, that US Army and US Marine generals are patriots who, “if left alone without interference by the civilians” will obtain victories for the United States. As a former paratroop officer, and leader of a group of right-wingers who are experienced leaders in the US Army and Marine Corps, I would appreciate it if you would consider another view, and the substantiation that I offer supporting that view.
Our web site at offers over ninety books and booklets, many of which describe evidence against many US armed forces general officers as well as the CIA and FBI. That evidence focuses upon numerous instances of betrayal of national interest, sabotage of national interest, and downright incompetence by US military generals and the leadership staffs of the CIA and FBI. If right wing talk show hosts don’t bring the facts about the armed forces, CIA, and FBI to the vast conservative silent majority, then the truth will never be known and black-hearted phonies and traitors will be blindly supported as patriotic, competent warrior-leaders by the uninformed. We invite you to visit our web site and to begin to examine the partially hidden truth, from a variety of sources, about the ENEMYS WITHIN the armed forces, CIA and FBI.
The focus of this letter is the US army and Marine Corps generals, which you characterize as “warriors” who “could win the war if they were not interfered with by Donald Rumsfeld.” In addition to the material already available on our web site, we are currently working on a series of books describing the incompetence and betrayal by numerous US generals, who are not only criminally incompetent but also left-wingers. Some of the major points of that book will be:
- During the “cold war” a number of US generals and admirals were members of “Generals For Peace” a communist front group composed of leftist NATO generals and officers serving as agents of influence for the communists. Traitorous leftist cliques of left-wing generals and admirals still exist with the US armed forces as a progenitor of that traitorous organization and a dangerous ENEMY WITHIN.
- The modern US armed forces is divided into two groups. 1 - A patriotic special warfare organization that includes our nation’s bravest and strongest fighters for freedom (see: The Hunt For Bin Laden, by Robin Moore). 2 - A conventional military whose controlling generals and their staffs are divided by the machinations of the following types of generals and admirals: a large number of leftist generals; political generals who are incompetent anti-warrior bureaucrats; and careerists who only seek an easy life without danger.
- America’s conventional generals screwed up the initial victories in Afghanistan and Iraq by implementing a Vietnam War-style program of huge luxurious base camps and limited predictable offensive action that has actually facilitated enemy progress. There are many details about this aspect that will shock you.
- Rumsfeld has worked tirelessly to eliminate the numerous incompetent and disloyal (to America’s best interests) bureaucratic generals from the US military as part of his “transformation” program. He wants to transform the military leadership into an effective pro-American force cleansed of leftist and self-serving generals and admirals. Not surprisingly, such policies have created a number of hate-filled enemies among the disposed generals. It is time that the truth about John Batiste, John Riggs, Anthony Zinni, Charles Swannack, Paul Eaton, and Gregory Newbold is told.
- One of the few trustworthy patriotic AND competent generals in the US military is Lieutenant General William G. Boykin. You didn’t mention him as a warrior leader but he is. A decorated warrior leader from Special Forces, General Boykin was penalized by the army for making anti-Muslim terrorist speeches in Christian churches. Boykin, the deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, violated Pentagon rules by making pro-Christian and anti-Muslim remarks, which gained wide publicity a year or so ago. In one appearance, Boykin told a religious group in Oregon that Islamic extremists hate the United States "because we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christians. ... And the enemy is a guy named Satan."
- General Colin Powell is an example of the politicized US general who was promoted to high rank without military experience of combat command, combat experience, or any warrior credentials. As armed forces Chief of Staff the leftist Powell was able to further a pernicious left-wing agenda, which included the “embedding” of leftist journalists in every US combat force, unlike the more judicious management of the leftist press that occurred during the Persian Gulf War. My new book will describe his sabotage of America’s warriors in grim detail.
- A number of US generals, instead of protesting the elevation to power to undeserving political generals like Powell, embraced the concept and became his allies in furthering the left-wing agenda within the military. Among such men is Wesley Clark, a Clinton protégée, a proven military incompetent, and a flaming neo-Marxist.
- The Fallujah defeat in Iraq was caused by incompetent USMC generals. They were sure that if they treated the bloodthirsty Muslim terrorists, who had fortified Fallujah, with political diplomacy they had learned in leftist sensitivity seminars, all would be splendid. As a result, they wasted crucial time offering the local Muslims hand-outs which were sneered at. The would-be political diplomats of the Marine Corps also failed to seize a toehold in Fallujah, and commanded instead that the marines dig in outside of Fallujah in the open desert; a silly maneuver that convinced the terrorists that the Marines were afraid of them. There is so much to the real story that you should know.
- A specific US Army general was the architect of the idea that no US tanks or armored vehicles should be used in Afghanistan or Iraq. He was a Clinton protégée. Rumsfeld changed that order after those generals who agreed with Clinton’s idea that “the modern military should be a police force that does not need tanks,” wasted a number of lives.
- Leftist generals have pushed so strongly for the interference of lawyers in military operations that these lawyers have repeatedly sabotaged combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Early in the war in Afghanistan, an armed UAV had Osama Bin Laden and his staff zeroed in, ready to destroy them with a missile, when the UAV operators asked General Tommy franks for permission to fire. He thereupon consulted his military legal staff. After much argument, the legal staff decided that since the target was no longer in view, it would be best to fire the missile at a nearby, unoccupied vehicle.
- Leftist generals inside the US military have gone “lawfare” crazy. They have followed the lead of anti-American legal staffs within the military, who have strait-jacketed the American armed forces in the middle east with Rules of Engagement”, legal oversight, and leftist journalist embeds who have effectively paralyzed any maneuverability that was heretofore available to US armed forces.
- Secretary Rumsfeld has been at the forefront in removing by retirement many incompetent and left-wing US military generals, most of whom are in that group that you refer to as warriors. They are the exact opposite of warriors.
- Leftist generals and their staffs have enabled a large number of muslim traitors to flourish inside US armed forces. These traitors have committed much sabotage, including murder, which goes unreported in the leftist media.
- Leftist generals in the US armed forces have committed many anti-Christian and anti-American outrages at the bureaucratic level. Including: 1 – throwing the boy scouts off post because they refuse to have homosexual scoutmasters. 2 – Approving a number of bureaucratic edicts against Christianity and Christian holidays. 3 – Implementing Muslim holidays and sensitivity groups used to teach officers that the muslim religion is a religion of love.
- Leftist US generals imbued with UN-approved political correct policies of peacekeeping police tactics have begun to turn the US armed forces into a glorified gendarmerie, which is inefficient and ineffective when offensive combat is needed. Offensive combat is the TRUE necessity of an armed force. The US military, in its current defensive orientation will soon become unable to fight against first-class military opponents such as Communist China. See my book entitled: High Command, Quikmaneuver Publications.
Richard Marcinko, a patriot former SEAL officer, who is a real warrior, once said: “,,,we Americans have habitually been led by people who for some leftist reason want to wage fashionable, nice, polite wars…Warren Christopher who was deputy secretary of state asked Delta Force’s CO, Charlie Beckwith, to shoot the Iranian terrorists holding American hostages in Tehran in the shoulder, so they wouldn’t get hurt during our …rescue mission…This is the same Warren Christopher who ran the State Department in 1993, when our boys got chewed up in Somalia because the rules of engagement (bureaucratic rules which force our military to give armed enemies the advantage) drawn up by Christopher’s staff and the Clinton White House Whiz Kids didn’t allow any kicking ass…because ‘innocent ‘ Somalis might get hurt.”
Ask yourself this, “Why is it that Clinton, who caused the US Military to make many stupid mistakes in the Balkans and Africa was never publicly criticized by any generals? After Clinton’s ruinous policies in Somalia caused the international humiliation of US armed forces that were forced to run like scared dogs after a bunch of drug-crazed Africans had massacred a small group US Special Forces troops, not one single general even murmured any criticism.” Why? The answer is simple. The vocal leadership of US armed forces is leftist.
Breaker McCoy,
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