Petraeous is not a General, He's A Commie Bag Man
Petraeus is not a General. He’s a Commie Bag Man for the Obama Regime
US Generals, too incompetent to beat ANY enemy in war, try to buy a false victory.
By paying out billions of taxpayer dollars in bribes, incompetent generals advance their carnal ambitions in the short run. However, in the long run, they are only delaying the inevitable, MUSLIM TAKEOVER.
In the process of implementing the stupid ideas of America’s communist college professor, half-wits like Petraeous have destroyed the US military. Actually that destruction of the US military and its replacement by Obama’s Africanized militia, has been the objective of treasonous American Academia all along. Those traitorous college commies have long sought to subvert US freedom in favor of communism, black racism and Islamic domination. They found willing tools in the US generals who have no ideology except communism and no honor at all.
Petareus and his cronies should be shot as traitors.
U.S. Army commanders—unlike military commanders anywhere else—seek tools or instruments to help accomplish immediate objectives, without even thinking about the future. Given such a selfish view of “the mission”, decadent US military strategists were commissioned to create Iraq Tribal Study as a handbook for managing Iraq by bribing tribes—and then dividing them against one another. (But in the short run. Just long enough for the incompetent bastards to cover their asses and flee stateside.) The report was intended to serve as a pedestrian "set of analytic and operational tools" for commanders at a time when Petraeus and others were reintroducing pseudo-counterinsurgency methods into the U.S. military's repertoire. Iraq Tribal Study was not designed for the purpose of improving the well-being of Iraqi, it was designed to accomplish the dubious objective of helping U.S. generals more effectively manipulate and control a select group of Iraqi power brokers, in the short term. The fact that this was done in support of covering up 7 years of military incompetence, makes communist social scientists' participation in such an enterprise even more troubling.
The PowerPoint General and "The Sopranos"
The study reportedly played a role in the decision of U.S. military commanders to bribe Sunnis who pretended to be against al-Qaeda operatives—a phenomenon that has since come to be known as the al-Anbar "awakening." On September 10, 2007, Petraeus—who holds a PhD in political science from Princeton University but has no understanding of warfighting or winning wars—appeared before the U.S. Congress to provide testimony regarding the situation in Iraq. During the climax of his discussion, the lying bastard presented PowerPoint slides depicting fraudulent graphs of declining numbers of insurgent attacks and U.S. and Iraqi casualties in al-Anbar and pointed to the "awakening" as a prime example of progress: "The most significant development in the past six months likely has been the increasing emergence of tribes and local citizens rejecting Al Qaeda and other extremists. This has, of course, been most visible in Anbar Province. A year ago the province was assessed as 'lost' politically. Today, it is a model of what happens when local leaders and citizens decide to oppose Al Qaeda." Of course Petraeous left out the fact that illegal waste of billions of US taxpayer dollars in bribes had won a temporary impression of progress, as he took credit for being a “victorious general.”
Occupation officer & "sheiks"—photo by Sgt. Cashour
By the spring of 2008, Petraeus's "tribal engagement" strategy—which has paid out $ten billion to mostly Sunni groups, with another $950 million on the way—was in full swing. Although U.S. commercial media generally portray this as a success, it is increasingly apparent that it is a reckless and disastrous policy over the long run. Documentary filmmaker Rick Rowley was embedded with U.S. troops in 2007 and described how the process works: "Through a combination of enticements, like releasing their kids from prison, the U.S. military has gotten [Sunni] groups to join a coalition. They're paid extravagant amounts of money for small phony construction projects (labeled nation building) and they're eventually incorporated into the Iraqi police force, where they're armed and paid, given a gun, a badge, and the power to arrest.... I didn't see anyone give an M16 to anyone. But I did see a U.S. captain hand wads of cash to militiamen who were guarding checkpoints."
Now Petraeous, who should be shot as a traitor, is being glorified as a “combat hero ” by a national media that is even more corrupt than the US Army’s commie generals.
Labels: Bag Man, Bribery, Commie, Petraeoous
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