Generals Gone Bad & Bureaucrat Generals publications has demonstrated enormous journalistic courage when it released two of the most significant books of the modern era. These books entitled Generals Gone Bad and Bureaucrat Generals kick over the rocks exposing the slimy nether world inhabited by America’s incompetent, corrupt, and traitorous generals. Not since unveiled its historic High Command and Warlord, books on US generalship, has such daring been experienced.
There are too many bureaucrats pretending to be generals and admirals in the US Armed Forces. These bureaucratic conventional generals share a number of psychological prejudices and worldviews. The author, Breaker McCoy, has personified these generals with a cartoon character that he calls Major General John J. Buterbutt, U S Army Commander of Nation Building and Peace Keeping, subordinate to the Pentagon Diplomatic Corps.
Such generals spend most of their time in pseudo diplomacy, nation building and so-called peace keeping. Their pet hates are special forces and special operations troops. Their pet desire is booze and prime rib at the officers club. They are risk aversive and totally dedicated to avoiding combat. They realize that any combat command that they may perform will embarrass them enough to probably ruin their careerist climb from one ornate pig trough to the next.
We live in a strange country that never really takes a close look at the functioning of the men who are supposed to be protecting our country from enemies by kicking their asses from here to Tehran. American citizens frequently blame politicians, who do deserve plenty of the blame, while ignoring the men who have wasted so many lives, so much money, and degraded America’s status as the home of the brave during the past 50 years.
The generals and admirals of the Armed Forces, the agents and managers of the FBI and CIA, and the dovish appeasers of the US State Department all share mountains of guilt for placing our nation in the jeopardy that now threatens us. Those incompetent and corrupt personages, paid by our hard-earned taxpayer dollars to protect us (hundreds of billions of dollars) are neither reformable nor redeemable. They must be purged from their positions and replaced by men better suited for the dangerous world that threatens to destroy us. is dedicated to unveiling the smoke and mirrors that have obscured the sabotage that these traitors and incompetents have heaped on our nation. Generals Gone Bad and Bureaucrat Generals is Quikmaneuvers first effort in that direction.