Thursday, May 18, 2006

Generals Gone Bad & Bureaucrat Generals publications has demonstrated enormous journalistic courage when it released two of the most significant books of the modern era. These books entitled Generals Gone Bad and Bureaucrat Generals kick over the rocks exposing the slimy nether world inhabited by America’s incompetent, corrupt, and traitorous generals. Not since unveiled its historic High Command and Warlord, books on US generalship, has such daring been experienced.

There are too many bureaucrats pretending to be generals and admirals in the US Armed Forces. These bureaucratic conventional generals share a number of psychological prejudices and worldviews. The author, Breaker McCoy, has personified these generals with a cartoon character that he calls Major General John J. Buterbutt, U S Army Commander of Nation Building and Peace Keeping, subordinate to the Pentagon Diplomatic Corps.

Such generals spend most of their time in pseudo diplomacy, nation building and so-called peace keeping. Their pet hates are special forces and special operations troops. Their pet desire is booze and prime rib at the officers club. They are risk aversive and totally dedicated to avoiding combat. They realize that any combat command that they may perform will embarrass them enough to probably ruin their careerist climb from one ornate pig trough to the next.

We live in a strange country that never really takes a close look at the functioning of the men who are supposed to be protecting our country from enemies by kicking their asses from here to Tehran. American citizens frequently blame politicians, who do deserve plenty of the blame, while ignoring the men who have wasted so many lives, so much money, and degraded America’s status as the home of the brave during the past 50 years.

The generals and admirals of the Armed Forces, the agents and managers of the FBI and CIA, and the dovish appeasers of the US State Department all share mountains of guilt for placing our nation in the jeopardy that now threatens us. Those incompetent and corrupt personages, paid by our hard-earned taxpayer dollars to protect us (hundreds of billions of dollars) are neither reformable nor redeemable. They must be purged from their positions and replaced by men better suited for the dangerous world that threatens to destroy us. is dedicated to unveiling the smoke and mirrors that have obscured the sabotage that these traitors and incompetents have heaped on our nation. Generals Gone Bad and Bureaucrat Generals is Quikmaneuvers first effort in that direction.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Bureaucrat Generals - Available May 18, 2006

Look for it Tomorrow!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Principles of Generalship

When discussing the incompetence of conventional generals, it necessitates that we give our readers an acceptable description of a competent general.

A combat general should have B2 (Brains and Brawn)--Breaker McCoy

Principles of Generalship
  • Peace is an abnormal and temporary condition.
  • In most battles/wars the victory is not brought about the fact that the defeated has suffered the most casualties.
  • In war, other things being equal, it is the simplest weapon, plan or organization which is more likely to succeed.
  • Each successive command level controls no more than three to five detachments.
  • At least 30% of any unit's force must be devoted to reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance. Every division must include a strong reconnaissance battalion and a separate intelligence battalion.
  • Deception is as important as actual operations.
  • Every division should have four all-arms maneuver regiments including one to three tank regiments. Two regiments probe for weak spots and two regiments strike at the enemies' weakest point.
  • With higher rates of advance there is an increase in the number of captured enemy vehicles, artillery and tanks.
  • At a tempo of 20-50 kilometers per day the overall losses in personnel is over three times less and in tanks 1.5 times less than with slower tempos.
  • Every division will include one or more antitank battalions to defend against enemy tank breakthroughs.
  • A strong sapper battalion will be part of every division and will consist of assault companies for breaking through defenses and mobile obstacle detachments for halting enemy breakthroughs.
  • Bridging and construction engineer companies assigned to a division will be separate from sapper companies.
  • Ammunition and fuel will be top priority resupply items, most of which will be allocated to units achieving success.
  • Reserves, artillery support and air support is allocated mainly to units achieving success.
  • Every advance will be preceded by an advance detachment and reconnaissance element.
  • A division will be combat ready with 2,000 tons of ammunition
  • A division is expected to fight for three to five days without rest. Any damaged equipment, which cannot be repaired by cannibalizing by the division repair and refitting battalion, will be left for removal by higher headquarters. After a division is burned out, it is withdrawn and then refurbished and brought back up to strength. If a division is too depleted for reformation, all commanders are withdrawn and deputies continue to lead the unit in combat until the last man.
  • Only uncomplicated and reliable equipment can be successful in war. Such equipment and weapons should be produced cheaply and in great numbers. Designers will always select the simplest possible of all the choices open to them.
  • If accuracy is paid for by complexity of design, that is the wrong path. Quantity is the better way to exert pressure.
  • Weapons and equipment are produced with the most simplicity and robustness. It is better to have many less perfect fighting vehicles than a few almost perfect ones.
  • Monkey models, or simplified models of tanks and other equipment will be produced for export. If possible chips will be hidden in them which will facilitate tracking and sabotage. Radioactive substances, which will debilitate the users, may be used for hulls and rounds.
  • Monkey models greatly simplified versions of weapons and equipment are better than no weapons or equipment at all.
  • Tanks are the primary means of offensive warfare and no antitank weapon is able to stop tanks. Tanks can bypass strong antitank defenses striking rapidly at weak points. The one vehicle, which combines movement, firepower, and armor is the tank.
  • Victory in war is achieved by advancing and seizing the initiative.
  • Defensive activity is only for economy of force reasons or as a prelude to the offensive.
  • Defense is essentially a battle against tanks. Every soldier and every weapons system must be capable of attacking tanks.
  • An armored fighting vehicle which is incapable of taking on tanks is useless.
  • All artillery, antiaircraft and other supporting weapons capable of direct fire must be supplied with antitank shells and be capable of employing flat trajectory fire against tanks.
  • Antitank guns should be towed, with low silhouette, the most powerful caliber possible and employed en masse to stop tanks attacks.
  • Powerful assault guns in battalion strength must be available to modern armies.
  • The best available weapons in the world should be copied and utilized .It takes too long to develop new models.
  • Armed helicopters should be viewed as flying tanks.
  • Mortars are cheap, easy to produce, simple, it takes only a few minutes to teach soldiers to use them and they are extremely lethal.
  • Self-propelled 160mm-240mm caliber mortars must be available.
  • Great effort must be made to prevent the wrong type of ammunition being sent to the wrong weapons. Simplicity and diversity of unusual calibers will facilitate precise identification.
  • The specifications of many weapons must be kept secret.
  • Top general must act under pseudonyms and spend time with bogus units in order to facilitate deception.
  • The most aggressive and successful fighters must be supported and protected by the remainder.
  • Individuals who prove unable to function in regular units will be reassigned to disciplinary and penal battalions.
  • Generals must use the methods and tools of maneuver warfighting.

From the book, Warlord. Available at

Thursday, May 11, 2006

New Military & Espionage Books Available Today!

Check out these new books, available NOW at

National Security Agency, Echelon
Secret NSA Communications Intelligence
77 pages; 7 chapters plus glossary
For years, America’s National Security Agency (NSA) has used the Echelon System to spy on international communications intelligence. The communications intelligence gained by the National Security Agency’s Echelon Program was based upon scans of all e-mail, packet traffic, telephone conversations, and other signals communications by looking for certain key words. Key words, such as terrorist, would then cause the NSA’s Echelon System to focus upon the individual message that contained the key word. That message became a key source of communications intelligence. However, the vacuuming of the airways by the NSA has never worked because they have hundreds of railroad cars filled with tapes of communications messages that have yet to be translated or scanned. That huge backlog will take years to catch up to. In the mean time, the communications intelligence will become obsolete. The details of the National Security Agency’s Echelon Program have remained obscure until now. QuikManeuvers is proud to publish an intelligence report from Europe that details a plethora of interesting information about Echelon.

Secrets of Brainwashing
How Brainwashing and Sensitivity Groups Control America
220 pages; 18 chapters and 1 appendix
Muslim terrorism front groups within America have effectively subverted several US government agencies through the vehicle of sensitivity groups. The most totally subverted federal agency is now the FBI, which many believe is now an instrument of Muslim terrorism. The leftist sensitivity groups that are currently being implemented continuously in the FBI and other federal agencies are nothing more than brainwashing. Brainwashing was perfected by the Chinese communists in the 1950s.
Now, brainwashing is a major industry in the US. That brainwashing is used to implement political correctness, multiculturalism, and psychological assaults against white males. In Secrets of Brainwashing, a completely unique book loaded with sensational information, Quikmaneuvers readers will be astonished to learn how brainwashing is implementing political correctness and multiculturalism in America. Sensitivity groups currently brainwashing American police, FBI, and military forces are conditioning them to become enforcers of political correctness, multiculturalism, and supporters of muslim terrorism. Such activities constitute a great danger to freedom in America.

Special Forces Cryptology Course
Codes and Ciphers
65 pages; 8 chapters
The Special Forces Cryptology Course enables the reader to understand codes and ciphers. Although unbreakable computerized encryption programs are currently available, it behooves the reader to understand how he can send coded messages by other means. The cryptology course included in this book, was developed at the special warfare center over 20 years ago, and is considered by experts to be obsolete. However, the lessons in cryptology, codes, and ciphers included in the Special Forces Cryptology Course and other material in this book will prove quite useful to any reader who would like to understand more about how to send and decode codes and ciphers. This manual will be of real value to the reader who is in an environment where access to computer encryption is impossible. This book is also a valuable historical artifact, providing the reader with insights into special forces cryptology.

SS Werewolves
Waffen SS Guerrilla Warfare Manual
42 pages; 11 chapters
Towards the end of WW2, a movement began, which lasted through 1946. At night, the woods and concrete canyons of Germany echoed with the howl of wolves. The Waffen SS created a guerrilla warfare organization known as the Werewolves. The Werewolves combined Waffen SS élan with the latest guerrilla warfare methods from Russia. For over a year, Werewolves conducted guerrilla warfare of assassination, ambush and raid. Although the Werewolves were small in number, their guerrilla warfare success heaped new honor on the Waffen SS.

USMC Warfighting Manual
Maneuver War’s Brief Shining Camelot

73 pages; 4 chapters
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the US Marine Corps, under its gifted commandant General A.M. Gray, adopted maneuver warfare as its doctrine of combat. General Gray also produced the USMC Warfighting Manual to explain maneuver warfare to US Marine Corps personnel. Thus began the US Marine Corps’ brief flirtation with maneuver warfare. In effect, the USMC Warfighting Manual is both a historical artifact, and a guide to maneuver warfare. Since General Gray has retired, the US Marine Corps has rejected maneuver warfare, and returned to the conventional attrition mindset that caused the USMC to be humiliated at Fallujah. General A. M. Gray would be horrified to see what has happened.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Unique Book about Algerian War

Few books have been objectively written about the experience of the French military in their war against Muslim Algerian terrorism. In fact, Pursuit Commandos is a book that is so unique, that there is nothing like it available anywhere, except from The analysis and coverage of the unreported facts related to the Algerian War is also another mark of this book’s prestige. The price for a book of this size, loaded with period photographs, drawings, and explanatory charts, makes it almost a give-away at its amazingly low sales price.

The Algerian War was one in which the French military distinguished itself as one of the most professional armies in the world. French military intellectualism developed several combat innovations that were subsequently copied by other western armies, including: Air Mobile Operations, Pacification by Quadrillage, Pseudo Units, Pursuit Commandos, Indigenous Combat Units, Psychological Warfare, Counter-Terrorism Methods in both rural and urban settings, and Operational Level Intervention Campaigns.

All of these interesting warfare aspects are described in sufficient detail, so that American conventional forces now being defeated in Afghanistan and Iraq can adopt more successful methodologies.

The French Army in Algeria was blessed with a few excellent generals. The masterful strategy in the operational art of the French General Maurice Challe is described as never before. General Challe’s achievements are almost unknown among modern military enthusiasts. For the first time ever, the backstabbing methods of Charles De Gaulle, who betrayed his closest supporters by selling out to Muslim terrorism, is sharply defined. At the same time, the false mythology that Charles De Gaulle was a hero of World War II is destabilized.

Pursuit Commandos describes in detail the organization, personality, and methods of the Muslim Terrorist group, known as the FLN. FLN terrorists fought the French Army for many years, until the French Army won. Then De Gaulle betrayed the Army’s sacrifice and surrendered Algeria to the Muslim terrorists. Thus, the FLN’s reign of terror, as practiced by a group that particularly enjoyed torturing the innocent and defenseless, proved victorious.

Finally, the rationale, growth, and achievement of the pro-French Secret Army Organization is reported objectively. That courageous right-wing resistance group refused to surrender, and while fighting Muslim terrorists and the French Army simultaneously, nearly won.

War gamers and re-enactors can find in Pursuit Commandos, a book which answers most or all of their questions about what happened during the Algerian War.

QuikManeuvers is proud to offer a book which spotlights a heretofore unreported war, marked by French military gallantry.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Rumors of Left Wing Military Coup in USA

A coup d’état is the sudden overthrow of a government usually carried out by a small group that replaces the top power figures. It is different from a revolution, which is staged by a larger group and radically changes the political system. The term is French for "a sudden stroke, or blow, of a nation."

A strange article appeared in the US Army’s prestigious military journal Parameters in 1992-93. The author of that article was awarded and his message promoted by left wing, black army general and Secretary of State Colin Powell. The article advocated a coup d'état against the US government.
Subsequently, domestic leftists have worked with left wing US generals to engineer a military coup d'état against the US government.

Charles Dunlap’s article appeared in the prestigious US Army journal Parameters, Winter 1992-93 issue. It was entitled “Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012.”
The author wrote the following preamble to the article:
“The letter that follows takes us on a darkly imagined excursion into the future. A military coup has taken place in the United States--the year is 2012--and General Thomas E. T. Brutus, Commander-in-Chief of the Unified Armed Forces of the United States, now occupies the White House as permanent Military Plenipotentiary. His position has been ratified by a national referendum, though scattered disorders still prevail and arrests for acts of sedition are underway. A senior retired officer of the Unified Armed Forces, known here simply as Prisoner 222305759, is one of those arrested, having been convicted by court-martial for opposing the coup. Prior to his execution, he is able to smuggle out of prison a letter to an old War College classmate discussing the "Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012."
In it, he argues that the coup was the outgrowth of trends visible as far back as 1992. These trends were the massive diversion of military forces to civilian uses, the monolithic unification of the armed forces, and the insularity of the military community. His letter survives and is here presented verbatim.

It goes without saying (I hope) that the coup scenario above is purely a literary device intended to dramatize my concern over certain contemporary developments affecting the armed forces, and is emphatically not a prediction.”

In 2005 The International Forecaster editor Bob Chapman wrote:

”Coup d'état against George W. Bush seriously contemplated in Washington”

“Rumors have been circulating in Washington for the last year that a coup d'état against George W. Bush and the neocons is being seriously contemplated in certain circles. Within the military, because of the non-traditional use of the military and among high-level businessmen who see Bush as a disaster for American business...especially in foreign trade. He has been arrogant, outrageous, insulting and downright weird in addressing the military and its objectives.”

The above article was only one of numerous left wing articles appearing frequently in the American media and on the Internet.

A leftist military coup d'état seems so ironic. Is it possible? Yes!

The left now has the initiative in America. They are winning public opinion and will soon win elections. They can do anything they want. Who will oppose them?
The left in America has totally defeated American conservatism, the Republican Party and the American Silent Majority. It is the Vietnam War Betrayal all over again.

Read Breaker McCoy's new book about the possibility of coup d’état in Backstabbing.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Highest Level of Military War Fighting

The highest level of military war fighting is the strategic level. At that level, the military high command cooperates with civilian leaders to allocate resources for major long-range military campaigns. At the strategic level, army group operations are coordinated and planned. Air Force, Navy and land operations are planned concomitantly to achieve strategic level objectives.

“Sir Basil Liddell-Hart, one of the most competent western theoretical strategist of the twentieth century, defined military strategy as, "...the art of distributing and applying military means to fulfill the ends of policy..." Military strategy, originated in national policy aims and limitations, establishes general national objectives, assigns more specific objectives to individual theaters of war, and allocates resources and forces.

National strategists plan and direct the general course of the national military effort, allocate national resources and outline major campaigns. "Strategy defined as a body of doctrine which both describes the conduct of conflict and prescribes the way this should be done..." "
From Moles and Amateurs